So far so good

Tuesday – Nov 5 – 3 x 20′ / 1′

In the fitness center at work, static erg. b A bit short on time because I had to get to some offsite training by 8:15am.  Original plan was 4×20, I had to shorten it to 3×20.

Started at 165W and increased as I went along.

Wednesday – November 6 – 4 x 2000/5′

This is an intimidating session.  I had a reasonably good idea for the pace target because of the waterfall from last week:  1:53.0

The first rep was a warmup.  The average pace for the 4 work reps was 1:51.6.  The first two were no problem, the third was tough and I was struggling to hold pace in the last one after the first 500m of it.  I’m really happy to complete it cleanly.  1:51.5 target for the first 3 next time, with hopefully a faster last.

Thursday – 7 November – rest day

I wasn’t planning a rest day, but when I got to work I wanted to work on requirement definition for the “secret new feature” on  And then I discovered that I had a 8 am meeting.  So, there wasn’t enough time for a row.

Friday – 8 November – 3 x 20’/1′

Another day with early meetings, but I went right to the gym and got to work.  Today, I started at 170W and pushed it a bit while trying to keep my HR below 145 through the first 40 minutes.  I loosened the cap in the last 20 minutes to 150.

Saturday – 9 November – Hard 30′

At home on slides.  I was nervous about this session because of all the 10Ks that I bailed out on over the summer.  But based on the 1:57.2 10K that I did last week, a reasonable target for this piece was 1:56.  In my head, I really wanted to hold 1:55, but I was afraid that would be a stretch.

I started with a 2000m warmup.

Here’s the main piece.  Looks pretty boring.  It wasn’t.  I was making very small adjustments to stroke rate to try to hold 1:55.  And I counted strokes for each 1000m of the piece.  The hardest bit was probably from 5000 to 6000m.  Still pretty far from the end, but deep into the hole.  When I got to 2 minutes left, I was sure I was going to make it and I rated up to try to get over 7850.  I did…7855m.  That’s a 1:54.5 pace.  I have to shave 2 seconds off that to get back above 8K for 30 minutes.  I think that’s doable.

        Workout Summary - media/20191109-2211370o.csv
Workout Details

Then a 2K happy ending cool down.

Tomorrow:  Long row — 3 x 30’/2′





Septum Mirabilis

Since last Saturday, I rowed my single 6 days in a row!  It’s a miracle.  I think the first time all season.

Sunday – Sept 15 – 16km on the Lower Charles

I met my friends from Worcester at the public docks at CRI in Brighton.  I brought my single.  They brought a single, double, quad and believe it or not a triple.  Our club bought a couple of lightly used Swift Triples.  These boats are going to be great.  Having the option of using a triple when we have an odd number of rowers, or if we want to balance lineups will be awesome.

We launched around 7:30.  The goal was to scout the river for the people that we going to do the CRI Fall Classic the following weekend.  My goal was to have some fun and maybe do a threshold piece.

I succeeded at having fun, but by the time, I tried to settle in for a 5k threshold piece, I was already pretty tired and gave it up halfway through.

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We made our way down river, and ultimately got to the beginning of the powerhouse stretch.  I asked the other boats if they wanted to do a race pace 1K, since this is the best place to do it.  They acquiesced and off we went.  I felt pretty good for the first 500 or so, but I rapidly ran out of oomph.

We continued down to the basin, and waited for everyone to regroup.  From there, we headed upriver to the area where they marshall the start of the CRI Fall Classic.  We regrouped again and then we took off.  they continued to just scout the course, but I wanted to do my threshold piece, so I got pretty far ahead of the group.  I made it around 2500 meters, then the combination of river traffic, a bit of headwind and lack of training got to me and I pulled up instead of trying to pass a big group of boats as the river was narrowing.  I put on a few bursts of speed the rest of the way, but I was really tired out.

        Workout Summary - media/20190915-1631070o.csv
Workout Details
09|00876|03:46.4|02:09.2|209.0|27.6|164.6|176.0|08.4 - most of a 1k
15|02561|12:10.2|02:22.5|164.9|26.1|167.9|178.0|08.1 -- a bit of hard rowing.

An incredibly enjoyable outing.

Monday – 16 Sept – Drills on the 5s

After Sunday’s exertions, I took it easy on Monday.

So, I did a technical session, with 4 minutes of steady state and 1 minute of these drills.

  • open hands on recovery
  • half slide
  • delayed feather
  • square blades
  • pause at body over

By the way, the weather was perfect!

Tuesday – 17 Sept – 4 x 2k/4′

Another perfect morning.  A scary workout.  I decided to go easy on myself and rate limit it.  r22, r24, r26, r26.

It was a great workout.  I felt good throughout.

The summary shows where I am.  Now that my impeller is calibrated.  When I was in good racing shape, I was knocking these out around 2:15 or faster.  It is what it is.

        Workout Summary - media/20190917-1607180o.csv
Workout Details

Wednesday – 18 Sept – Steady State

Working on piling up the meters and rowing clean.  Did the session with Humon to keep me honest about intensity,  Halfway through, I decided to pop up to r22 and row lighter.  It seemed to work quite well.  I needed to cut it about 10 minutes short because I needed to get to work for an early meeting.

        Workout Summary - media/20190920-1546120o.csv
Workout Details
07|00341|01:33.8|02:17.6|182.7|26.3|139.4|153.0|08.3 - nice ending

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Thursday – 19 Sept – 3′ on / 1′ off

Again using rate limiting to manage intensity.  (22,24,26,28)  The annoying thing is that I must have bumped the speedcoach I got my drink of water after the first set, because that’s where the data ends!

Here’s the heart rate from my apple watch

bokeh_plot - 2019-09-21T222015.119.png

And here’s the view from Humon.

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Another really good workout.

Friday – 20 Sept – Steady State

Just like wednesday.  Using Humon to keep me honest and trying to get the best speed with the least effort.  The key seems to be a nice, clean, early tap down.

That and maintaining good body posture through the leg drive.  When I open up my back early, I work much harder and go slower.

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Workout Details

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When I got back to the dock, I turned around and it was just so pretty that I had to take a picture.


I felt great, and headed off to work.  In the evening, we drove down to the cape.

Saturday – 21 Sept – No Training

Our house has a huge deck surrounding 3 sides of the house.  Today’s mission was cleaning it with the pressure washer so that I can seal it tomorrow.  It took me 5 hours.  The Apple watch tells me that it was about 15000 steps.  I am tired and sunburnt, buy the deck looks fantastic!



Oh my hands – May 5 to May 7

Well, really just my right hand.

Because of travel, there was a period of 8 days between 25 April and 4 May where I did no OTW rowing.  Over that period of times, my hands got all soft.  Then on Saturday, I hop into my Aero and go for a 18k row that takes about an hour and forty five minutes.  This was 1887 strokes, and there was enough chop that my hands and the handles were wet.  The chop also makes it impossible to maintain the light fingertip grip that we all aspire to.  By the time I was on the last leg back to the beach, my hands were really hurting.  Over the rest of the day they were a weepy blistered mess.

On Sunday, the weather sucked, so I wasn’t tempted to go back out on the water, but I did a hard 10K (with limited success, more to come  on that later) on slides.  My hands were perfectly OK with that.

On Monday, they were still pretty beat up, but I ignored that and did a nice technical session in the boat.  A lot of the drills put pressure on my blistery bits, and ripped open some blisters under old callouses.

I wasn’t sure if my hands were up for it, but the weather this morning was beautiful!, So, I went for it.  I had a great session, and I didn’t have any real grip issues to deal with, but boy, it stings.  Especially in the shower!

Enough complaining.  On to the training.

Sunday – May 5 – Hard 10K on slides.

Started with a 2k warmup.  Pick drill followed by a few bursts at possible paces for the 10k piece

Then the real thing.  I was a bit scarred from the 10k session that I bailed on last weekend, so I specifically tried to give myself permission to target a pace of 2:00.  Of course, as soon as I started and it felt easy, I immediately changed my mind and stuck on 1:57.  This lasted for about 6 or 7K and my HR was up at 177.  I couldn’t handle the idea of rowing the last 12 minutes “in the red”, so I tried to back off, and then a dropped a few strokes and slowly brought myself back to around a 2:00 target.  By the time I had 1000m to go, I was pissed at myself and I rowed it hard.

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So, what do we make of this?  First, it was probably an effective workout from a physiological point of view.  I had 27 minutes in the TR and AN HR zones.  But in terms of grit, this one was a fail.  Also from a discipline perspective, also a fail.  I should have rowed it conservatively and gotten a good marker for the next session.

Monday – 6 May – Drills on the 5s – 60′ session

As is usual, I spelt pretty poorly on Sunday night.  The weather was OK.  It was grey and there was a pretty steady wind from the north.  Temps were in the 50s.

I thought under the circumstances that a session focused on technique would be a good idea.  So, back to a favorite, drills on the 5s.  Row steady state for 4 minuutes then do a minute of a drill.  The drills were

  • half slide
  • slow roll ups
  • open hands on recovery
  • pause at body over
  • on the square

The drills were useful and the format of the workout makes time pass very quickly.  A lovely session.

Tuesday – 7 May – 4 x 2k on the water

Time to do some heavy lifting!  I was out late last night at a business dinner, but I managed to get my ass out of bed on time.  I was a bit worried about how well I’d do in the session.  I’m not sure if this was a cause or effect, but I felt a bit wrong in the intestinal department.

Anyway, the weather was awesome!  Bright and Sunny about 50F with a light wind from the SW.  So, I paddled out to the start of the 2k section, had a drink and went for it.  The training objectives for this session were:

  • Stroke rate: 25-27
  • Target pace 2:15 to 2:20
  • Focus on crisp releases.  Really tap down.
  • With increased fatigue focus on maintaining rate, lighting up pressure and maintaining good form, especially at the release

Gotta say, it was pretty magical!  I had a bit of tail wind behind me on the first interval, so the splits were nice and fast and the strokes felt light.  That really boosted my confidence.  I was extra careful to try to avoid chasing the same split on the upwind interval.  As it worked out I matched my avg power pretty well between upwind and downwind intervals.

Each interval got harder, but I always felt in control.  It was a really good session.  Good physiologically, and mentally to get it done per plan.

        Workout Summary - media/20190507-1405480o.csv
Workout Details

Note: the pace shown here appears to be the GPS based pace, so the downstream intervals are unnaturally fast and the upstream ones are slow.  Calculating pace for them using the excel data yields 2:12.8, 2:17.9, 2:14.5, 2:19.9.

So, I was interested to see if this focus on clean releases has any effect.  So, I compared a 4x2k from the very beginning of the season to today.  My guess is that my aerobic fitness was a bit better and my form more ragged.  First comparison…

Power:  I was 4.5 watts higher power last time.   2.5% lower power today.

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T174855.325

Now boat speed:  Whoa!  1% faster today, on 2.5% lower power.

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T174838.721

So, what changed in my stroke.  Since I was working on finishes, let’s look at finish angle.  I was finishing about 4 degrees shorter today.

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T175035.690

Was that impacting effective length?

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T174914.131

Oh yeah.  I was more than 5 degrees shorter today.

I wonder what was going on with my peak force angle.  I was specifically trying to hold body position and row lightly today.  Would I see any difference with that?

Yep!  My peak force angle move more to stern and was more consistent.

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T174946.982

Here is a statistical summary for each workout.  The standard deviation for the peak force angle changed from 3.3 deg to 2.6 deg.

So, this certainly taught me a lesson.  The speedcoach is a tool, it doesn’t make sense to just focus singlemindedly on improving one parameter.  In my mind I had equated more length, with more power and therefore more speed.  Today’s results mean that I should have to be very careful to measure the change in boat speed with technique changes iin addition to just using the oarlock to provide data on the stroke mechanics.


3/13 – 3/14: Nine days straight!

Today was the ninth day in a row that I have trained on the erg.  I think it’s my longest streak in a pretty long time and it’s making me pretty happy.  I’ve got 3 more days before I head off to China, so I’ll be trying to keep the streak alive.

I am actually a big believer in the general rule of taking a rest day every 6 days, but I had a couple of rest days before this streak and I will have a lot of trouble fitting sessions around my work in China, so I am OK with pushing it a bit.

Wednesday – 3/13 – 3 x 20’/2′ L4 (static)

Bread and butter.  Felt kind of hard.  I was actually having a bit of trouble rowing lightly enough at r16 to get down to 160W.   I think that helped overcook the session.  Still it was pretty enjoyable.

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Thursday – 3/14 – 4 x 2000 / 5′ L2 (static)

I felt pretty worried going into this session.  I have a reasonable history of L2 sessions now, so I had a good idea of achievable pace, but I knew it was going to have to be willing to endure some discomfort to hit the target.

My history.

  • 1 Feb – Waterfall – 1:52.4 (static)
  • 9 Feb – 4 x 2k – 1:51.6 (slides)
  • 15 Feb – 5 x 1500 – 1:49.2 (static)
  • 9 March – Waterfall – 1:51.1 (slides)

So, my target for today should have been 1:51, but I wanted to shoot for 1:50.  It’s such a nice number.

I programmed the PM for 2k reps and 5 minute rests.  I did the first rep as a warmup.

Isn’t that the prettiest thing?  Nice warmup.  I extended the last burst to about 60 strokes, which got me a bit sweatier and I think that helped.

The first rep was a breeze.  I am noticing that my watts per stroke is going up a bit, must be all those L4s.  Here is a comparison of 4 L2 workouts.  I have 2 waterfalls, a 5 x 1500 and todays 4x2k.  Notice the way that my power per stroke was fading in later reps in the other three workouts, but today (purple) was a much steadier performance.

bokeh_plot (78)

In terms of intensity, I think it was right in the zone.  I passed 95% of HRR max right at the end of the last interval.  I guess I could have pushed a little bit harder, but it felt great to be in control through the whole session/

Average pace 1:49.7 for the 4 work reps.  Yes!  That makes me happy.

Tomorrow:  3 x 20’/2′ L4



Hard 10K and 4 x 2K


I already posted about my session on Tuesday morning, but on Tuesday night, I did something fun.  My wife’s niece play Hockey for Northeastern.  Northeastern is a legit women’s hockey powerhouse.  They are ranked third in the NCAA division one.  They have an olympian on the team.  Anyway, we went to see her team play in the first round of the Women’s Beanpot, a hockey competition between the 4 powerhouse schools in Boston (BU, BC, Northeastern and Harvard).  They were playing BU and it was an incredible game.  The quality of play was very high and my niece in law played well getting an assist and a ton of shots.  She was very bummed that she didn’t get any goals.  The game ended in a tie and was settled in a shoot out, with BU coming out on top.

Here’s a picture of her right after she scored the winning goal in overtime against BC in a game earlier this year.


Wednesday:  No Training

I had scheduled a plumber to come fix a problem with a sink Wed morning and he blew me off.  Supposed to show up at 8:30 and didn’t.  I called to follow up and found out he wouldn’t get to the house until at least 10.  I gave up rescheduled and headed to work.

I hoped to find time during the day to workout, but no luck.

Thursday: Hard 10K – L3

I had limited time because I had an 8 am meeting.  I was scheduled to do the 10K on Wednesday and then an L4 endurance session on Thursday.  With the short window, the 10K fit in better, and is a higher training priority so I did that.

No time for a warmup, so I just settled right in and went for it.  Last time I did a 10K, I fell apart at the end.  The cause was butt pain, lack of fitness and lack of toughness.  On Thursday, I was hoping to address the butt pain and the toughness.  Fitness is what it is.

For the butt pain, I have made an investment.  The Citius Remex.  The world’s most expensive butt pad.  Endorsed by Eskild Ebbesen.  I imagine that elite rowers must treat their behinds with the care that a violinist lavishes upon their hands, or a dancer on their legs.  My wife has heaped ridicule upon me for buying this gold plated butt pad, but it will all be worth it if it solves my problems.

There is actually a theory behind this butt pad and it make some sense to me.  The seat on the C2 rower is basically flat and this puts all the stress on your Iscial Tuberosities (aka your sitz bones).  Other butt pads attempt to mitigate this by either cutting out material where the sitz bones are, or by providing cushioning to spread the pressure over a larger area.  But this has potential problems as well.  The edge of the cutouts can cause pressure points (and they did for me) and this can lead to pain.  And a squishy pad can cause problems with circulation on the back of your thighs.  The Citius Remex has a different shape to it.

2019-02-09 14.44.06.jpg

It is designed to spread the pressure between your perinium and your ITs.  A bike seat basically puts all the pressure on your perinium, and the C2 puts all the pressure on your ITs.  This butt pad basically tries to balance the pressure between the two.  It also has three different insert for the middle part so you can “adjust” the balance between support on your perinium and sitz bones.

Anyway, it felt a bit weird at first, but I sat up straighter, was able to keep my knees down better, and my ass hurt a lot less at the end.  So, I am happy to have bought my gold plated butt pad and recommend it for aging rowers with delicate buttocks.

Back to the 10K.  Last time I averaged 1:57.2, but I was holding around 1:56 before I wimped out.  So I decided to try to target 1:56.  I ended up feeling a bit better at 1:55, so I hung in with that.  Around the 7K mark, I began to feel like that might have been a real problem, but I eased up the pace, counted out the strokes from 7k to 8k and held on.

It was a max effort.  I was above 95% of HRR for almost the last 2000m, about 7:30.  A very long time to be on the ragged edge.  So, I am simultaneously happy with the effort that I put in, and sad that it wasn’t faster.  I finished with 38:25.7, a 1:55.2 pace.  I ranked it and it’s 89th percentile.  Trained, I have the potential for 95th percentile performance.  And it’s a long way off of my best 10K (36:33, 1:49.6 pace).  I guess it’s something to shoot for.

        Workout Summary - media/20190207-1245380o.csv
Workout Details
07|01000|03:53.9|01:57.0|218.9|23.8|177.4|178.0|10.8 - crisis!

I logged this as an entry for the rowsandall “Tough Ten” regatta.  And it puts me firmly in ….last place.  bummer.

Friday: No Training

Today was the make up appointment with the Plumber.  He showed up on time, but took my workout window.  I was booked the rest of the day.  In the evening, we headed down to the Cape for the weekend.

Saturday: 4 x 2000m / 5′ on slides – L2

I am trying hard to do the three “hard” workout per week, even if I miss sessions.  Today was the right day to do the L2.  Last week I did the waterfall for an average pace of 1:52.4.  This was on a static erg.  Trying to figure out a target pace, there was a lot to consider.

  • 4 x 2000 is usually a bit faster than waterfall
  • slides are usually a bit slower for me than static
  • I was not feeling super aggressive, but I didn’t want to fail at the workout

So, I decided to start around 1:54 and see what happened.  What happened was that I was able to do a bit better than that.  I did the first 2000 as warmup, then ended up with the first rep coming in right under 7:30 (1:52.3).  I felt pretty good so I pushed the second rep a bit more (1:51.5).  I had a problem in the rest after the second rep.  Somehow I nudged the back of the erg on  the slide and it was scraping.  I only noticed when I started the 3rd rep and the slides were massively misbehaving.  I stopped, worked it out and started up a fresh 2000.  It gave me an extra 1:30 of rest.  The third rep was challenging.  Fatigue was starting to set in, but I wanted to keep it under 7:30, so I pushed hard and finished at 1:51.5 again.  I was worried about the fourth rep.  My legs were feeling a bit empty.  In the first 3 reps, I was aiming at a rate around 27 and trying to pull right on 10 meters per stroke.  I was essentially trying to start the drive right as the distance clicked down to a “0”.  In the last rep, I found that I was having trouble maintaining that and holding the rate around 27.  I struggled through the first 1500m, and then just buckled down to attack the last 500.  I was happy to finish, and even happier that I managed a slight negative split (1:50.9).

I am happy to be back at the wolverine plan.  I just have to keep the targets reasonable and I think this is a good plan to take me into the spring.

Tomorrow:  4 x 20′ / 2′ L4




Monday: 3 x 20’/2′

        Workout Summary - media/20181029-1225340o.csv
Workout Details

Tuesday:  Strength

  • Abs:  4 x 30″ front plank, 3 x 30″ side plank (each side)
  • swiss ball/med ball twisty things
  • Front Squats bar x 10, bar+20 x 10, bar+40 x 3 x 12
  • incline row: 3 x 12
  • deadlift (with hex bar): bar x 10, bar+90 3 x 12

Wednesday: 4 x 2000′ / 4′

Hard one.  Tried for target pace of 1:50.  It was too much for me.  I backed off to 1:51 in the first couple reps but needed to slow down a bit more on the last two.

I think I need to pace these a bit more conservatively over the winter to avoid really punishing myself, especially when I am as sore as I was from the weights.

Thursday: Strength

  • Abs:  4 x 30″ front plank, 3 x 30″ side plank (each side)
  • swiss ball/med ball twisty things
  • pushups: 3 x 12
  • Front Squats bar x 10, bar+50 x 3 x 10
  • incline row: 3 x 12
  • Good mornings: bar x 10, bar+50 x 3 x 10

Friday: 3 x 20’/2′

Legs a bit sore from yesterday.  But way better than last week.  Felt pretty easy.

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Workout Details


Not bad for a work week. I’ll try to do some hard distance tomorrow, probably a 10K on the dreaded dynamic.

4 x 2K / 5′ – on the erg – Back at it

When my alarm went off at 5:15 this morning, I felt very tired.  I walked downstairs, thought about it for a minute, and then went back to bed for another 2 hours.  I got up at 7:30 and felt much better.

As I drove to work, the weather was fine, but a bit windy.  It would have been perfectly rowable, but I was glad to get the additional sleep.

My new plan was to do the workout at the end of the day on the erg.  Because I have missed just about a full month of serious training, both technique and fitness need attention.  Today I wanted to focus on fitness.

I haven’t done this workout since 9/16/2016, just over a year ago.  This winter and spring, I was using the Eddie Fletcher Marathon training plan and haven’t been doing the normal interval work at all.

I point out all of that basically to say that I had very low expectations, and I didn’t want to bite off more than I could chew.  So, I decided to pick a conservative pace target.

The Plan:

  • 4 x 2000 / 5′ rest
  • pace target: 1:55 or faster
  • rate target:  1st: 24, 2nd 25, 3rd 26, 4th: no target
  • HR limits: none
  • Technique:  Focus on keeping my knees together at Head race stroke rates

myimage (8)

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That was hard work.  I managed an average pace of 1:53.7.  Under “normal” circumstances, I would consider this a massive fail.  But given that I am coming back from an injury layoff, and going by the HRs, I was working very hard.  Mostly I was really happy about sticking with it in the later reps and I walked a bit taller walking away from the erg.

Tomorrow:  OTW steady state.  Focus on technique.

Wednesday: Twisty 4 x 2k / 4′ rest (2x)

Weather:  Awesome.  Sunrise is at 6:33am, so when we launched at 5:40 it was still very dark.  The eastern sky was just starting to lighten up.  No wind.  Clear skies.  Flat water.

In the race last weekend, one of our week points was maintaining speed and technique during the big sweeping turns.  Today’s workout was designed to try to practice that.  In the south end of the lake, there are a set of small islands and the lake is much wider.  I looked at it compared the turn radius that you need to hold for the big turn on the charles before the Eliot Bridge.  The inset in the map below is the Eliot turn.  The rest of the map is the south end of Lake Quinsigamond at exactly the same scale.  By doing a figure 8 around the little island on the eastern side of the lake, it is a similar turn to two Eliot Bridge turns in opposite directions.  If you start and finish at the small island to the north, it’s about 2000m.



  • 4 x 2000m
  • 3′ to 5′ rest
  • spm: 24-28
  • pace: faster than 2:20
  • technique:  try to avoid digging too deep.  Clean up finishes.  work on maintaining speed in the turn.

It turned out to be a very hard workout!  I’m not sure about Joe, but it nearly killed me.  I was a bit lightheaded and woozy for a while after we landed.

Here’s the whole thing on a map.  The boathouse is on the top, and we warmed up going down lake to the little island next to the google maps red “pin”.  Then there are four loops around the islands.  Then a cool down going back up to the boathouse.

Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 3.07.07 PM.png

Here is a zoom of each of the four loops.

As we went along, Joe got more and more comfortable with the best line around the small island.  The biggest difference was from rep number 2 to rep number 3.  In Reps 1 and two we lost a ton of boat speed at the apex of the turn.  You can see the divot in the pace plot.  In rep #1, the pace was killed around the 3000m point, and we slowed all the way to a 2:42 pace.  We only got back our boat speed in the last 400m or so.  In rep #2, we still lost speed at the apex of the curve, and the pace dropped to 2:33, but we managed to get back on track sooner.  In rep #3, the pace never got worse than 2:27 and we held boat speed through the whole back half of the turn.  By the fourth rep, I was toast.  I rated lower and rowed like crap.

The piece splits back that up.  Rep #2 had a furious sprint at the end at 30 spm, but was still slower overall than the third rep.

|Start|Dist_|Time_|_Pace__|_SPM__|avg HR|DPS_|Remarks
|00010|01990|10:45|02:42.1| 17.7 | 131 |10.5|warmup
|02000|01999|09:39|02:24.8| 26.6 | 162 |07.8|rep #1
|03999|00251|03:28|06:54.3| 18.1 | 126 |04.0|rest
|04250|02000|09:13|02:18.3| 28.1 | 166 |07.7|rep #2
|06250|00500|06:04|06:04.0| 13.9 | 129 |06.0|rest
|06750|01928|08:51|02:17.7| 27.2 | 170 |08.0|rep #3
|08678|00341|04:27|06:31.5| 26.2 | 130 |02.9|rest
|09019|02001|09:47|02:26.7| 26.0 | 168 |07.9|Rep #4
|11020|02171|13:56|03:12.5| 20.7 | 146 |07.5|cool down
|Start|Dist_|Time_|_Pace__|_SPM__|avg HR|DPS_|Remarks
|00000|01990|10:45|02:42.1| 17.7 | 131 |10.5|warmup
|00000|07928|37:30|02:21.9| 26.9 | 166 |07.9|main set
|00000|01092|13:59|06:24.2| 18.8 | 129 |04.1|rests
|00000|02171|13:56|03:12.5| 20.7 | 146 |07.5|cool down


I’d call that about 38′ of HIT and 37′ of LIT.

Tomorrow:  75′ steady state in my single down in Newton.


Saturday: 4 x 2K / 4′ rest

At home.  Static erg.  Over cooked the first rep and never really recovered.  Hung in there at progressively slower paces, and finished the set, but at very high heart rates and by digging very deep.

Glad I finished.  Depressed I was that slow.

No rowing on the lake this weekend because of some big collegiate racing going on.  Today it was the NERC, which is the New England championships.  Tomorrow is the Women’s Eastern Sprints, which is for bigger schools.  We lend out our boathouse to some crews and there are tents set up all around so it’s impossible to get to our boats.

Tomorrow:  Recovery row.  Something easy.

Thursday: 4 x 2K / 4′ rest

Still struggling.  All I could do to hold flat splits at 1:49.


This was a first outing on the erg at with with a newly upgraded PM5!

2016-01-07 08.24.59

The upgrade was a bit of struggle because the monitor was setup for model D/E, and I needed to a bit of googling to find the way to change it to Model C.  By the way, if you ever want to do that, here is the help page.

After I got that sorted out,  it hooked up to my Wahoo Tickr HR belt with no drama.  And hooked up to my iphone via bluetooth seamlessly.  On the iphone, I tried it with the concept2 application ergdata.  I worked without any trouble.  After that, I started up my beta copy of the Painsled app.

The app hooked up automatically and showed a live dashboard.  The way the app works is you basically pretend that the phone is there at all and set up your workouts on the PM5.  When you finish a workout, the app is supposed to write your workout log file when you press the menu button.  This crashed the app.  But the coolest thing happened.  Overnight between wednesday and thursday the developer pushed a new version which fixed the bug.  What a delightful experience.

So, it worked great on Thursday morning.  I captured the whole workout in a big messy csv file.  Now I am trying to figure out how to massage that into my graphical tools.  A project for this weekend perhaps.

Here’s a primitive HR plot from  the file.

Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 5.20.28 PM

Today I took a rest day.  Going to go for a hard 5K tomorrow.