And on it goes

Last posted on May 10th.  Since then, nothing to exciting.  I haven’t fallen off any roofs, or broken any bones this week, so that’s a plus.

I ended up taking two days off from training.  No real reason, other than a limited desire to train.

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Sunday – 5/10 – 2 x 30’/5′ With Bumps

A fun session.  Row 4′ at r18 and 160W, then 1′ faster.  The faster bits start r20, and go up by 2SPM in each one.  So, a little bit of hard rowing with a lot of aerobic strokes.

Also a good chance to use rowsandall interval analysis

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Workout Details

Monday – 5/11 – 7.5km run

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Tuesday – No Training

Wednesday – 5/13 – half and half

30′ stationary bike

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2 dart games

Scores: 13840,14210

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Workout Details

Thursday – 5/14 – half and half

30′ on the bike

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2 dart games – 14005, 14085  (I was not on my game at all!)

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Friday – 5/15 – 7.3km run

Down on the cape.  Out and back on the road.

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Saturday – 5/16 – No Training

I spend a couple hours fixing some shingles on the roof, and then the fencing around the house.  Didn’t feel like training.

Sunday – 5/17 – 3 x 30′ / 2′ Steady State

I’ve been reading more about base training and I want to try to add more minutes at lower intensity.

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Workout Details


Back to your regular programming

It’s May!  Hopefully the weather will get better, and we’ll be able to row outside soon,  This Friday, my wife packed up and headed down to the cape for the weekend.

We arrived Friday evening, and stopped to pick up a “hands free” pizza on the way.

Saturday – May 2 – 6km run

On Saturday, we lazed around and relaxed.  In the afternoon, I decided to go for a run.  I guess I should put quotes around “run”, since it was notably slow, but really enjoyable,  I clambered down to the beach and ran around the island to north side.  I just made it before the tide washed over the beach at the northwest corner.  Running on sand was quite a challenge.  It’s much softer sand than in Aruba.

After I turned at the northeast corner, I walked a bit, and then I was on harder packed sandy roads.  I ran all the way to bridge on the causeway, then turned and ran down the main road on the island and all the way around to the little beach on the southwest corner.  Then I turned into the wind and did the last slog home back on soft sand again.

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It was a moderately hard workout, but not that long.

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Sunday – 3 May – 3 x 15′ / 2′ steady state

It was 15 days ago when I took the fall off the ladder.  The scrapes have healed, my elbow is mostly better.  There is still something wrong with my thumb; it really does not like lateral pressure.  My shoulder is OK, but still has limited range of motion.

I was thinking that it would be a good time to see whether the damage that I’ve done would keep me from rowing.

I dialed up 2000m for a warmup.

I started off with a pick drill.  20 strokes just arms.  I felt a bit of a twinge from my elbow if I extended it completely.  Well then, we will just use that as a reminder to keep soft arms.  By the end of the 20 strokes, I was able to take them without any pain.  Good.

Then arms and body.  Now I became aware of a new limitation.  If I indulged my bad habit of reaching too far at the catch, my shoulder would remind me not to do that.  A few strokes and I managed to get into a groove that was working.

Then into full strokes.  Now the final bit of coaching from my shoulder.  Don’t take the catch too hard.  It was as if Robby Manson was there telling me to hang and bang.  If I hit the catch too hard, my shoulder would definitely twinge.

So, the end result is that my elbow and shoulder are conspiring to make me row better.

After 15 days off, the rest of the 2000m felt like a very long way to row, but I was doing well.  Mostly pain free and maintaining reasonable power.

After I finished that, I decided to do another 45 minutes or so of easy rowing.  So, 3 x15’/2′ at 160W.  I let the stroke rate climb up from 18 to 20 over the three pieces to keep my strokes nice and light.

So, what to do now?  I think I will stick to easy stuff on the erg for now and go running a couple of times a week for the more intense sessions.  I don’t want to push it too fast.  Mostly, I want to get stronger for the return of OTW, hopefully in the next couple of weeks.


Stumbling into rowing season

I feel like I am training without purpose right now.

It’s been a month since I reviewed my training.  It has been a busy month, but not so good for the state of my fitness.

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From the beginning 9th of February:

  • 28 days
  • Target 24 training days, actual 21 training days (but two of them were very short)
  • Target is 6 sessions a week.  Actual was 5.1 sessions a week.
  • Travel in 3 of the 4 weeks
    • 2 day trip to San Jose
    • 1 week trip to Aruba
    • 1 week trip to Texas and Costa Rica

With so much disruption, I dropped back to a maintenance mode, and did very few high intensity sessions.

  • Target High intensity days 12, actual 3

So, heres the daily activities…

Sunday – Feb 9 – No Training (not sure why)

Monday – Feb 10 – Short Stack – 3 x (13 x 30″/15″)/5′

Based on a tweet from Stephen Seiler.  A pretty intense workout.

Blew the start of the 3rd to last interval.  Paddled it out.

Findings about these workouts were posted in a youtube video. (link)

Tuesday – Feb 11 – 2 x 30′ / 2′ L4

Based on the HR, things are going in the wrong direction.

Wednesday – Feb 12 – No Training

6AM flight to San Francisco.  Straight into meetings.

Thursday – Feb 13 – No Training

8AM flight home.

Friday – Feb 14 – 3 x 20’/2′ L4

High HR.  Travel and lack of endurance minutes catching up with me.

Saturday – Feb 15 – WU + 2 x 20’/2′ L4

I started with the intent of doing a hard distance workout.  So I did a 20 minute workout, but felt so awful that I abandoned those plans and just did 2 20 minute L4 pieces.  HR was better than Friday, which was good to see.

Sunday – Feb 16 – No Training

My wife and I flew to Aruba for vacation!

Monday – Feb 17 – 5km beach run

Aruba is wonderful.  The sand is nice and hard near the water.  Perfect for running barefoot.  I ran from our hotel, which is at the extreme north end of Palm Beach to the other end, where the Divi is.  It’s about 2.5km each way.  I ran one way and took breaks on the way back.  The killer is the piers.  You need to leave the hard sand and run up the beach through the soft dry sand and then back down.

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Tuesday – Feb 18 – 30′ Stationary Bike / 20 minute swim

Legs a bit sore from beach running, so I started with a 30 minute easy stationary bike ride in the fitness center.

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Then I headed down to the beach and went for a swim.  I swam for about 20 minutes and did four complete lengths of the swimming area at our hotel.  I later found out that was about 0.4 miles.

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Wednesday – Feb 19 – 5km beach run and 30′ swim

The run was better than the first.  I paced it a bit better (slower) and took fewer breaks on the way back to the hotel.

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The swim was also better.  This time, I had goggles and got into a very relaxed groove.  The HR data was suspect though.

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Thursday – Feb 20 – 5km run and 30 min Swim

Another nice beach run.  Good pacing and pushed it a bit harder at the end.

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Then another swim.  Really enjoying this.  Makes me wish I lived on a tropical island where I could do this every day!

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Friday – Feb 21 – No Training

Flying home

Saturday – Feb 22 – 3 x 30′ / 2′ L4

Had technical issues with BoatCoach.  There was a glitch and it lost my first 60 minutes of rowing.  Here’s the last 30′

Here’s the whole thing as witnessed by my watch.  Equally boring, but necessary base work.

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Sunday – Feb 23 – 3 x 30′ / 2′ L4

More meters in the bank

Monday – Feb 24 – No Training

Flew to Austin, straight into meetings

Tuesday – Feb 25 – 30′ Inclined walk / 30′ row

The walk.

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The row – felt terrible

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Wednesday – Feb 26 – 30′ inclined walk

Needed to be quick.  I was heading off to the airport to catch a 9am flight to Dallas

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Thursday – Feb 27 – 30′ Inclined Walk

I had a morning flight to Costa Rica, so another quick stop in the fitness center.

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Friday – Feb 28 – No Training

I was in Costa Rica for just the afternoon.  I had dinner with the team there and then headed to the airport.  I caught an 11:30pm flight to JFK, and then caught the shuttle flight to Boston, arriving around 10am.  I had a set of meetings and then scooted home.  My wife and I went down to the Cape that night.

Saturday – Feb 29 – 4 x 20′ steady state

Just coasting along on slides.  Longer rest between #2 and #3 was me going and switching the laundry.

Sunday – Mar 1 – 3 x 20′ / 2′ L4

Not a bad session, all things considered.  On slides in Hopkinton.

Monday – Mar 2 – 8 x 500/3’30” L1

Holy cow!  An L1 workout.  Very gentle targets.  Started with the thought of just doing better than 1:45.  After 1, decided 1:44 was a better pace to aim at.  The last one was good.

Tuesday – Mar 3 – 2 x 30′ / 2′ L4

Started OK, but I got tired and my HR was climbing freely in the second piece.  Decided to just row it out at 18spm for the last 10 minutes.

Wednesday – Mar 4 – Short Interval Stack 3 x (13×30″/15″)/5′

An encore of the workout from February.  Less ambitious power target this time, but better execution.  I think I was also in worse shape, but man…It’s a great workout.

Thursday – Mar 5 – 3 x 20′ / 2′ L4

I was sick of the high heart rates of some previous L4 workouts, so I dialed it back to an easier stroke sequence.  That did the trick and this was a good, enjoyable workout.

Friday – Mar 6 – No Training

We went into Cambridge on Thursday night to celebrate my sons’ birthday.  We got home late and I slept in a bit on Friday.

Saturday – Mar 7 – No Training

We went to go see my wife’s cousin’s daughter play in the Big East Women’s Hockey championship.  I should have gotten up a bit early and gotten a row in, but I didn’t, and by the time we had got back home, there was a ton of other stuff to do.  I felt bad about missing a weekend day though.

Sunday – March 8 – 3 x 30′ / 2′ Steady State

Looking for low heart rates and easy rowing.  This session delivered.  Got a bit greedy i the last 30 minutes and pushed the power.  Nice flat HR though.

The good news is that today, I got back on the water.  I’ll write that one up soon.  But I’m going to just play it by ear for a week or two and then figure out an OTW training plan.


1/12/20 – 1/25/20 –> Work wins!

Well, I’ve lost a bit of momentum.  The past couple of weeks, I’ve been focused pretty intently on work.

Here’s the damage

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I’ve missed 3 training days in the past 8, and two of my workouts were less than stellar fitness center cross training sessions.

Sunday – 1/12/2020 – 4 x 30’/2′ Steady State

Glorious long steady state row on slides, listening to a good audio book.

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Monday – 1/13/2020 – 4×1000/5′ L1

At workout.  On a static erg.  Feeling pretty good.  Target pace 1:45.

Started with a quick warm up.

That was a bit over exuberant, so I paddled a 1000m

No avoiding it any longer.

Wow!  That was great.

I am getting more comfortable at stroke rates around 30.

Tuesday – 1/14/2020 – 2×30’/2′ L4

Wednesday – 1/15/2020 – 5×1500/5′ L2

Pressed for time so I did the first 1500 as a warmup.  My target was 1:48.

Leave off the warmup and that’s a 1:47.7 pace vs my 1:48 target.  Tough work, but a big success.

Thursday – 1/16/2020 – No Training

Big day for quarterly business reviews.  They started at 8am and I felt like should spend time prepping for the meetings.

Friday – 1/17/2020 – 15 x 3’/1′ L3

This is a very intense workout.  Pretty grumpy that Painsled hung up on me.  My target was 800m per interval, which I think is about a 1:52.5 pace.

Here’s the hear rate data from my apple watch (hooray for redundancy!)

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And here are the old school monitor shots.

Actual: 1:50.7, and nearly a complete negative split.  I certainly layed out a really strong last rep.

Saturday – 1/18/2020 – Ergsana

I went out to Worcester to row with my friends.  There were two parts to the workout.  First was an erg session, then about an hour of yoga.  I have never done yoga before in my life and this was the seventh of eight sessions.  I was definitely the slow learner of the session.

But the erg session was fun.  I have never done any of the games that are built into the concept2 PM5.  It was very fun doing them as a group because for each game you could compete both on points, and on other things like distance covered.

First up was the fish game.  As far as I could tell, this game rewarded what I will charitably call unconventional technique.  You needed to make constant adjustments to stroke rate and stroke power to eat little fishes and avoid big fishes.  But, it definitely rewarded pushing yourself because the harder you go, the more of the screen you can cover to eat them fishies.

Each fish game is 4 minutes long and I found myself finishing each at about a 1:50 pace.  Since there was a lot of speeding up and slowing down, this was more challenging that you might imagine.  My scores ranged from 1170 to 1440.  I pretty much stunk at the game play, but after 4 games, I was pretty bushed.

After that, we tried the darts game.  This game was my jam.  It rewarded consistency, and I have done an awful lot of steady state rowing.  With the darts game, a “dart” comes on the screen at the left and at some point begins to drop down.  You must judge the trajectory of the dart and decide when to pull and how hard.  The drive sends the dart climbing and the rate of climb is rated to how hard you pull.  If you get it right, the dart lands in the center of the dartboard and you get 50 points.  A game is 300 darts, so a maximum of 15000 points.

You get 5 strokes to set a rhythm and I guess I was a bit amped up because I set out at a stroke rate of 24.  But I was also in a groove.  I was nailing the bullseye on most of my strokes.  But I couldn’t ease up.  If I did, then the darts started to go low.  the game was incredibly reinforcing.  I kept digging deeper and deeper, and finished with 1:52.2 average over 3225 meters.  (13785 points in the game)  I also finished with a heart rate of 182.  Doing a 12 minute piece after the 4x4min was a pretty big ask.

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Sunday – 1/19/2020 – No Training

I flew out to California in the afternoon and arrived quite late.  I discovered there was a Furry Convention at my hotel.


Well, that was not what I expected!

Monday – 1/20/2020 – 2 x 30′ in the fitness center

30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on a recumbent stationary bike.

A cool thing is I discovered that the apple watch would link up magically to the exercise gear.  There is a little note on the screen of the treadmill or bike that says “Connects to Apple Watch”, and you just put the watch close to the screen and a little bowtie symbol shows up.

After that, what ever the machine is recording shows up in the watch.

30 minutes at max incline on the treadmill at 3mph.  Then rolling hills on the stationary bike.

I had meetings all day, and then a business dinner in the evening.  Back at the hotel at a reasonable hour and right to bed.

Tuesday – 1/21/2020 – 9km run

I had a very important meeting in the morning and then a bunch of other meetings until mid afternoon.  We headed back to our hotel, now entirely devoid of furries and I decided to go for a run.

I decided to follow Guadalupe Park, and discovered there are a LOT of homeless people in San Jose.  There is so much wealth in silicon valley, but it has squeezed people on the margins out of their homes and into tents.  Profoundly depressing.

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It was also a lot of running for someone who doesn’t run.  I was sore for days afterward.

After a shower, I headed to meet up with my work friends.  We watched some basketball (and I drank a couple of beers), then we met some other work folks for an excellent greek dinner.

Another good night’s sleep.

Wednesday – 1/22/2020 – 2×30′ fitness center

Feeling quite sore and not quite motivated.

30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the bike.  Both magically connected to the apple watch!

Short intervals on the elliptical, Rolling hills on the bike

Pretty tame.

Meetings during the day and a business dinner that night with the unit of our company in San Jose.  They had a fantastic year, beating all targets and launching an important new product.  This was the dinner to congratulate them.

Thursday – 1/23/2020 – No Training

Up at 5am to drive to the airport.  Arrived in Boston around 5pm.

Friday – 1/24/2020 – 3×20’/2′ L4

At work in the fitness center.  HR a little high.

Saturday – 1/25/2020 – More Darts games and Boatcoach!

After Painsled betrayed me for my 15×3 workout, I decided that I wanted to check out boatcoach.  For rowing apps , there are three serious choices.  Ergdata, which is cheap and reliable, but it does a terrible job handling interval based workouts.  It doesn’t record the rest times reliably and that messes up analysis in rowsandall.  Painsled is proving to be more and more annoying because of dropped strokes and workout hangups.  And then there is boatcoach.  Every one that uses boatcoach raves about it.  The only problem is that it runs only on Android, and until today, I was an iOS only kinda guy.  I broke down and bought a small Android Tablet.  A Samsung Tab (Model A).

I went and downloaded boatcoach.  That was easy.  Then I tried to get it hooked up to the erg.  This required a bit of fumbling around, but eventually I mastered that.  Then I took my inaugural row.  A “Just Row” of 501 meters.

That out of the way, I was thinking that the darts game would be an excellent way to pass the time for steady state workouts.  300 strokes at 20spm would be a 15 minute piece and the game definitely rewarded good steady rowing.  So, I set it up and off I went.  My goal was 14000 points, and to keep my HR below 150.  I had time for 4 games.

       Workout Summary - media/20200125-2122030o.csv
Workout Details
01|00211|01:37.5|03:51.0|091.7|11.8|131.8|151.0|11.0 - abort!
03|00281|02:36.3|04:38.1|076.9|09.6|110.1|131.0|11.2 - abort!

I got worse at the game each time!  First time, I score 14485, 515 away from a perfect score.  The second try was close at 14335, but then I seemed to lose the hang of it at the start of the third and it took almost 10 strokes to get into a consistent groove.  The same thing happened in the last game.

It was a fun and absolutely “in the zone” steady state workout.

Oh, and boatcoach worked perfectly!  One cool feature of boatcoach and rowsandall.  You can look at your force curves!

For a workout like this, it could be useful to look at how tight you can get the q25 to q75 band.

Tomorrow – I think I will do a long, slow steady state session.




12/30/2019 to 1/12/2020

Another couple of weeks have gone by and I’ve done some good training. I’m back in the groove, with no business travel and limited crises at work.  It’s been good.

Monday – 12/30 – 4×2000/5′

I had spent the christmas vacation just rebuilding my aerobic base with lots of base work.  I wanted to ease into doing the hard stuff.  So, even though this was a hard session, I rate limited it to try to make it a bit more doable.  It didn’t work, I still blew up in the last rep.

I started with a 2k warmup at 2:00 pace, then the main session.

Note:  this session is on slides.  I think you’ll see a trend develop.

Tueaday – 12/31 – 3 x 20’/2′ L4

On the cape, on slides.  Nothing to report.

Wednesday – 1/1/2020 – 3 x 20’/2′ L4

A little hungover, but not a bad session.  Session done at home after we returned from the cape.

Thursday – 1/2 – 10K push – L3

Back at work!  Again, trying to ease into the harder stuff.  Change 10K hard into a 10K push, starting at 2:05 and ending at 1:56.

First a 2k warmup.


       Workout Summary - media/20200102-1336170o.csv
Workout Details
00|01000|04:07.8|02:03.9|181.8|20.5|122.3|134.0|11.8 - 5
01|01000|04:06.6|02:03.3|187.0|21.4|138.5|142.0|11.4 - 4
02|01000|04:04.9|02:02.5|190.4|21.7|144.3|146.0|11.3 - 3
03|01000|04:02.7|02:01.3|195.8|22.1|147.5|149.0|11.2 - 2
04|01000|04:00.8|02:00.4|200.5|22.4|150.5|152.0|11.1 - 1
05|01000|03:58.2|01:59.1|207.0|23.0|154.2|156.0|10.9 - 0
06|01000|03:56.6|01:58.3|211.4|23.2|157.5|160.0|11.0 - 9
07|01000|03:54.2|01:57.1|218.0|23.8|162.5|166.0|10.8 - 8
08|01000|03:51.0|01:55.5|226.8|24.3|167.2|171.0|10.7 - 7
09|01000|03:42.2|01:51.1|255.6|25.9|173.5|177.0|10.4 - 6

That went well.  Next push starts at 2:04.

Friday – 1/3 – 3×20’/2′ L4

Tired, high HR for this one.

Saturday – 1/4 – Rest day

first rest day in 14 days, although I stopped one workout after 30 minutes.

Sunday – 1/5 – 3 x 30/2′ steady state

And I had a problem with painsled so the data did not get captured.  Steady state at 18 spm and ~170W.

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Monday – 1/6 – 8 x 500 / 3’30” L1

At work, static erg.

2k warmup with lots of little bursts

Then…  Target of 1:44.  Actual 1:42.  <– pretty happy about that

Tuesday – 1/7 – 2 x 30’/2′ steady state

Not in the mood for L4s right now.  On a static erg, I can just about hold 180W at 18 spm.

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Wednesday – 1/8 – 3×30’/2′ steady state

I’m into a good audio book right now, so the steady state rows are fun and easy.  I had extra time on Wed morning so I tacked on an extra 30 minutes.  Right about 176W.

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Workout Details

Thursday – 1/9 – Waterfall L2


Then the main session.  I was really worried about this session because the 4×2000 was so bad.  But I decided to just go for it.  I set a aggressive target of 1:51, which was about what I had done back a few weeks ago.  I smashed it!

Incredibly gratifying.  So, this one was on a static erg.

Friday – 1/10 – 2 x 30′ / 2′ steady state

Saturday – 1/11 – Hard 5K

Start with a 20′ fletcher warmup.

The warmup was unexpectedly hard.  It didn’t bode well for the 5K.  Since I had gotten the 1:49.4 for the waterfall, I thought that a 1:51 would be in reach for the 5K.  That dream lasted 1K.  I reset my sights on 1:52.  That lasted to about 2500m, when I reset for 1:54.  I kind of lost it around 3750m, but brought myself back in focus to just try to finish the piece out.  I suspect if I had set out at 1:53, I would have been able to accelerate in the second half and done better.

So the interesting thing to me is the big difference in performance between the waterfall workout and this one.  Here are the differences.

waterfall 5K
Static Slides
Morning Afternoon
2k warmup 5k warmup
3 days after rest 5 days after rest day
room 20C room 18C

Looking at it, it seems like the biggest differences are static versus slides and length of warmup.

So, I looked at the previous time when I did the waterfall workout, and discovered it was on slides.  Here’s the plot.   (ignore the HR in the second rep, the sensor went screwy)

And here’s a direct comparison.  The first one on 11/25, was done when I was in better shape as measured by the Strava fitness and freshness metric.

bokeh_plot - 2020-01-12T120143.229.png

So, I think that I am about 11W more efficient on a static erg than I am on slides.  In pace terms.  1:51.0 on slides vs 1:49.4 on static.  If I can figure out why this is, and how to fix it, I might be able to go faster in a boat.



Tough December.

At the end of November, Strava told me that I was in the best shape I had been for 2 years.  In January of 2018, I reached a 99.  On 12/1/2019, I peaked at 95.

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Then came December

  • September: 28 training hours
  • October: 29 training hours
  • November: 31 Training hours
  • December: 20 Training hours, and 10 of those hours are in the past 10 days.  7.5 hours between 12/2 and 12/20.

What happened?  Well, I needed to prioritize work over training.

Week of 12/2:  trip to Taiwan.  I struggled with a packed schedule and jet lag going in both directions.  I had a couple of lackluster workouts while I was there, but missed 2 days around each end of the trip.

Week of 12/9:  Full day offsite management meeting with dinner on Tuesday. Then 2 day conference on wed and thursday.

Week of 12/16: Early morning meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Quick trip to California on Thursday, with a return on Friday.

Since then, I’ve been on vacation and trying to just do mostly steady state work.

When this happens, all I can do is to take stock and figure out where to go from here.

I think when I get back to work, I will do a set of fitness tests to get a baseline and then resume the wolverine plan variant that I was using.

Monday – 12/2: no training – flying to Taiwan

Tuesday – 12/3: no training – arrived in Taiwan late evening

Wednesday – 12/4: 40 minute steady state row.  Felt very sluggish.  Didn’t like the erg.  shock cord tension was very low and it felt mushy.  Not sure why.


Thursday – 12/5:  No training – conference calls

Friday – 12/6: 3×20′ on the crappy erg.


Saturday – 12/7: No Training

I got in around midnight and home around 1:30AM.  I slept late the next morning and felt terrible all day long.

Sunday – 12/8: 3 x 30’/2′ L4

Long and easy.

Monday – 12/9: 4 x 1000/5′

Back at it!  Start with a fletcher warmup.  It was a rude shock to the system.

Then the fun part.  I wanted to hit 1:45 for all the reps, but I had a bit of a breakdown in the third interval.  I backed off on the fourth.


Tuesday – 12/10:  No Training

Management Offiste meeting

Wednesday – 12/11: No Training

I was catching up on email and really got into a creative groove.  I wrote two articles for our internal corporate blog. I looked up and discovered that I had just enough time to shower before my first meeting of the day.

Mid day, I went in to the Massachusetts Conference for Women.  My company is a sponsor of the event and we send about 90 people.  It was the first time I attended and it’s an impressive conference with a great line up of speakers.

Thursday – 12/12: No Training

Back to Boston for the rest of the conference.

Friday – 12/13:  3×20’/2′ L4

Just a nice steady state L4 session.

That evening, we went down to the cape and I sleep like a deadman.  It was such a great night’s sleep that I have thought of it fondly ever since.

Saturday – 12/14: 3×30’/2′ L4

Down on the cape.

Sunday – 12/15: Half Marathon L3

Target power 190W.  Lost a bit of steam around the 60 minute mark.  I was tired.

Monday – 12/16: No Training

No idea why.

Tuesday – 12/17: 60 minute L4

I had a 7:30 meeting, so I ended up sneaking down to the gym before lunch.

Wednesday – 12/18: No Training

8am meeting and no chance to train during the day.  We had a corporate holiday party Wednesday night.

Thursday – 12/19: No Training

Woke up at 3:45 to catch a 6:10AM flight to California.  Had a couple of customer meetings, including a nice dinner.

Friday – 12/20: No Training

Woke up at 5AM so I could get to the airport in time to join a 6AM conference call.  Flew home, arrived around 7pm.

Saturday – 12/21: 3×30’/2′ L4

Feeling the decline in fitness.

Sunday: 12/22 – 4 x 20′ / 2′ L4

Still a struggle.

Monday – 12/ 23: 60′ L3

This was brutal.  I really thought I could hold a 1:58.  Turns out I couldn’t.

Tuesday – 12/24: 3×20’/2′ L4

My mind is really on christmas, but I am enjoying the audio book I’m listening to.  So, I’m just piling up steady state meters.

Wednesday – 12/25: 3×20’/2′ L4

Merry Christmas!  I went and rowed while dinner was cooking.  Same session, worse heart rate.  I suspect that this is from the 2 beers on Christmas Eve.

Thursday – 12/26: 3×20/2′ L4

Same again.  Even worse.  Starting to wonder if I’m coming down with something.

Friday – 12/27: 30 minute aborted session

I was planning a 3×30 L4, but I felt tired and listless and bored, so I quit after 30 minutes.

Saturday – 12/28: 16 x 250 / 2′ L1

Time to shake things up.  A bit of sprinting.  And a session with no prior precedent so no chance to fail against inflated expectations.

Start with the obligatory fletcher warmup.

Then the fun part.  Doing this on slides was very interesting.  I allowed the flywheel to stop for each of the reps to do a standing start.  And I worked on trying to take a few strokes to get to full.  It was good to work on keeping my layback minimized and keeping the rate high and stroke light.  Some of the reps, I slowed down a fair amount after the first ten strokes.  Buy the end, I was spent!

Sunday – 12/29: 4×20’/2′ L4

Very sedate today.  HR was quite high.

Tomorrow, we head off to the cape for our new year’s extravaganza!  Hopefully, I can squeeze in an L2 session in the afternoon.





Treading water (but no actual swimming)

Last post was on Sept 3rd, quite a while ago.  That covered my row on Sept 2.

Tuesday – Sept 3 – Drills on the fives

Back in my single, back in Newton.  Feeling a bit unfamiliar.  Best way to cure that…Drills!

The plan is simple, row for 4 minutes and then do 1 minute of drills.

  • square blade
  • late feather
  • open palms on recovery
  • half slide rowing
  • pause at body over

It was a nice morning, and there some other boats out.  Even if I’m not really prepping for an event, it’s still nice to be out and working on getting better.

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Wednesday – 4 Sept: 2′ on / 1′ off increasing rates

This was a hard and fun session.  There was a reasonable headwind going upriver.  I ran out of oomph in the last set, which I did the first three downriver and then turned to come back.  I bailed on the r28 rep, and then basically did 1′ and 1′ off of r28 instead for a few reps, just to get a bit more time at rate.

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Thursday – Sept 5 – crappy static 10K

I had a conference call that went until after 10pm, so I slept in instead of getting up to row.  Later in the day, I went to the gym for a quick session.  I decided to do a threshold piece, and 10K has been giving me a lot of trouble lately.  I might as well work on that.  I set a target to just keep the pace under 2:00, and if you looked at the monitor picture, you’d conclude that it wasn’t so bad.

Sure, a little bobble in the middle, but no big deal.  Here’s the summary plot though.

3 HD’s!  I am in a tough place right now.  My stroke power is great, but my aerobic capacity is not anywhere near it was.  So I go too hard, under rate, and get discouraged.  I also don’t have a hard training objective, or trackable plan so, it is easy to start playing mind games when it gets a little scary in the middle of a long row.  Finally, ergs are boring.  I think I have to do a better job at rowing to stroke rate and pace goals.  I have to stop over cooking the beginnings of these rows.

Friday – Sept 6 – No training

I was working from home on Friday, so I didn’t go off to row in the morning.  I planned to do an erg session, but I didn’t have a gap in my schedule to go do it.

Saturday – 7 Sept – Aborted 10K

We stayed in Hopkinton this weekend, and so I planned to do an erg session in the afternoon.  I was so pissed off about the 10K row that I thought I would try again (today on slides).

I didn’t warm up on Thursday, so I did a nice 2K warmup.

Then I decided to be very careful and stick to the 2:00 pace.  I made it less than 2k before I gave up.  I was having some stomach issues and I really needed to stop the row.

That was massively depressing.  I really seem to be struggling.

Sunday – 8 Sept – 3 x 30′ / 2′

I was feeling very spooked about how badly things had been going.  I decided to step back and do a very consistent, low intensity session and go extra long.

It was a good call.  I was relaxed, enjoyed some good podcasts, and felt much better afterwards.

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Monday – 9 Sept – Steady state OTW with Humon

Workout Details

Paces are slower because I used the data from the 2′ on 1′ off workout to do an analysis comparing gps and impeller data for up river and down river segments.  My calibration was off by about 3 seconds per 500m.  Bummer.  I’m slower than I thought I was. 😞

On the plus side, this session was just delightful from beginning to end.  I rowed it with Humon and tried to dance on the edge between green and orange.  I found that I am working a lot more efficiently at r20 than r18.

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Tuesday – 10 Sept – No Training

I was out late because of a work celebration.  One of my coworkers was celebrating their 40th work anniversary.  So, I slept in on Tuesday morning.  I intended to go to the gym, but too many interruptions and too much work to do.

Wednesday – 11 Sept – Steady State OTW with Humon

Same session as monday.  tried to stick to r20.  I decided to do some higher rate work in the warmup to see if it hurt or helped later on.

At the end of my warmup, as I approached the dam in Waltham, I passed a sculler going the other way.  I’ve talked to him a number of times, a nice guy in his seventies.  Anyway, I got to the end, turned my boat, had a drink and then set off after him.  I knew it was just a steady state session, but the knowledge that there was a boat out  there ahead of me was stuck in my head.  I maintained my rate, but there might have been a little extra pressure in my stroke.  I caught up with him as we went through the s-turn.  He pushed a bit harder as I passed to mark time with me.  He’s going to be in the HOCR in a couple weeks (lucky guy) and he’s out most morning now training.

After I finished that leg, I spun around and followed him into the cove, which is now “protected” by a set of booms.  I had no trouble navigating the gap in the booms to get in the cove, and I had a nice chat with him as he docked.  But when I went to leave the cove, there was a reasonably strong tail wind and I got pushed into the booms.  It took me a lot of backing and forthing to extricate myself and at times I was really worried that I was going to end up going for a swim.  I think I’ll avoid the cove until those booms are gone.

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Thursday – 12 Sept – 3 x 20′ / 2′

Another late night.  We had dinner with a customer, and we had meetings setup to start early Thursday morning.  I decided to not row before the meeting so I could be on time and not sweaty when we got started.  Later in the day, after the meeting was over, I went to the gym and did a steady state session.  R19, 170w.

Weird misbehavior of the HR monitor at the start of the second piece.

Friday – 13 Sept – 10 x 3’/1′ Threshold

Another early meeting, so not enough time to row OTW.  I only had time for an abbreviated session.  I usually do 15×3′, but I cut back the number to fit the time and pushed a little harder.  It was a good session.  I was really happy with it.

Pretty remarkable smo2 swings…68% to 54%.  I still don’t really understand what it means when the algorithm goes from red back to orange or green in the depths of a hard interval.

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This was a very satisfying workout.  I felt better all day afterwards.

Today:  Steady state on the erg.




Work comes first

I love my job.  It is challenging and rewarding.  I’m an engineer and my company is involved in the semiconductor industry.  We supply equipment that is used to test semiconductor devices before they are put into the products that everyone uses every day.  Mobile Phones, computers, cars, trucks, robots, pacemakers, hearing aids, cell phone base stations, network routers.  The electronic guts of all of those products go across machines that make sure that they will work right.

Having a hard job, that I love means that I have to be realistic about my training objectives and plans.  My job got a lot harder a couple of years ago, and as a result, I have raced a lot less and my training load has gone down.

This chart from the Concept2 Online Logbook tells the tale.

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My total training meters have been about 25% lower in the past 3 seasons than it was for the prior 6.  In a sport where “Miles make champions”, and generally “more is more”, that makes a big difference in terms of performance.

Even more impactful than the reduction in volume is irregular training.  If I was able to guarantee 6 sessions a week, but had limits of time per session, I could design a plan and make good progress.  But the way my life works right now, that is not possible.  This past week was an excellent example of what I mean.

Last Sunday, I had, what turned out to be an epic row.  I had planned it as a normal endurance session.  A coastal row exploring the salt marshes in Wellfleet.  And the first half was like that.  But in the second half, I was confronted by choppy water, and then a head wind that piled on a bit more intensity.  I was really worn out by the time I finished.

I was OK with that because I knew what kind of week I was going to have.

Monday:  First day back from vacation.  During vacation, I adjusted to waking up around 8 to 9am every day.  I didn’t think I could rewind all the way to 5:15 on my first day back.  I elected to sleep in.  Looking at my schedule, I could have probably squeezed in a workout, but I was tired and sore from the Sunday row.

Tuesday:  Up at 4:00AM to catch a 6:00AM flight to Austin Texas for a customer meeting.  We got ready in the office in the morning and through lunch.  The meeting was in the afternoon, with a dinner that followed.  I got to my hotel at 9:30PM and fell asleep almost instantly.

Wednesday: Up at 4:00AM to catch a 6:00AM flight home.  Went straight to the office on arrival in Boston.  Had meetings all day, a team dinner after work, and then headed back to the office to host a “Global Town Meeting”.  We have employees all around the world and we are experimenting with using audio and video technology to enable live meetings for the whole organization.  The meeting was at 9pm so that our team in Asia could attend in work hours.  I got home around 11pm, and I was honestly pretty amped up from the meeting.

Thursday:  I slept until 7:00AM and then headed to work.  I had meetings scheduled from 9:30 to 5:00pm, and then I had a business dinner that lasted until around 9:30PM.  On Thursday night, I managed to get to bed by around 11:00.

Friday:  I had a very important internal review meeting at 9:00 where I was the primary presenter.  I really needed to practice my presentation, so I got up at 5:15AM, headed to work and spent the time from around 6:30am to 9:00 working on speaker notes and dry running my stuff.  The meeting went well, and was over by 11:30.  I felt a lot more relaxed and worked through my other meetings in the afternoon.  I left around 6pm.

So there’s five days.  Every day but Monday was more than 12 hours of work and no time for training.    Missing a day or two is no big deal, but 5 days probably erases multiple weeks of gains.

I need to do some research to figure out the best way to deal with this kind of thing.  Maybe some extremely short, HIIT sessions for days when I can’t afford a full workout?  Since I’m on the road again this week.  I guess I’ll give it a try.

As I rolled into the weekend, I was very eager to get back into some training.  I really missed it.  I knew I would be disappointed by my performance, but I tried to be matyure about it.  Just do a couple of nice endurance sessions, get back in the groove.

Saturday – 8/24/2019:  3 x 20’/2′ Endurance with Humon.

I felt great at first, but my HR climbed and I felt really tired by the middle.  I did really enjoy the 1 minute bumps I did during my first 20 minutes though.

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Sunday – 8/25/2019 – 3 x 20′  / 2′ with 1′ bumps at r24

I had fun with the bumps, so I decided to do it again.  Today, I tried to hit r24 and 220W for each of the bursts.  I was really feeling the strain by the last 20′ piece, but I was having a good time with it.

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Now it’s Monday morning, and guess where I am?  I was up at 4:00AM to get to airport for a 6:00AM flight to LA.  I am in Orange County today.  San Diego tomorrow morning.  Driving up to north of LA Tuesday afternoon.  Flying to Chicago on Wednesday night, and then flying home to Boston on Thursday night.  I guess I’ll put that HIIT theory to the test this week!


The rest of my trip

After my adventure on Sunday, I rushed back to my hotel, took a quick shower, packed up my stuff and headed to the train station.  We took a train from Shanghai to the city of Hefei, about two and a half hours away by high speed rail.

Once we arrive, we had a nice dinner with some of the team leaders there, and I called it a night.

Monday, June 24 – Treadmill

There was a well equipped fitness center in the hotel in Hefei, but alas no rowing machines.  I grabbed a treadmill and started to hike.  Going gradually to see how well I could coax my smo2% up in a warmup.  I definitely didn’t give it enough time and it peaked out much lower than other sessions.

Basically what I did was start walking slow and level.  Then I increased the pace to about 3 mph.  Then I increased the incline every minute to get me to 15%.  Around the 5 minute mark, I did a 1 minute run on the incline, that’s the dip.  Then I slowed it way back down, and had a drink.  In retrospect, I should have done that a couple more times to open things up.

Then I just hiked up the 15% incline at about 3 mph.  I saw orange, so I back off to 2.8 soon after starting.  That worked fine until about 20 minutes in, where I needed to drop the pace a bit more.  The last minute or two was in the orange, but my HR was still quite low.

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When I got back to my room, it was sunny, clear and beautiful outside.  My room had a great view.



I had a busy day at our design center in Hefei.  I great group of engineers.  In the afternoon, we headed to the train station and headed back in the direction of Shanghai, stopping in the city of Wuxi.  I was schedule to have a business dinner with a customer.  We went to a really good Japanese restaurant and had lots of beer and Sushi.

Tuesday, June 25 – Stationary Bike intervals with Humon

The fitness center was hot, and I was feeling pretty tired, and just a little hungover.  I hopped on a stationary bike, and started pedaling.  I did about 20 minutes of warmup, including a couple of sprinty bits.  This warmup increased my smo2 from 63% to 70.9%.

Then I programmed in one of the preset “interval sessions”.   I set it for a 40 minute session.  This turned out to be another 10 minutes of warming up and then a one minute on / one minute off routine with 4 levels of intensity for a total of 14 reps.

As it turned out, I had not set the intensity high enough for this session, as you can see I was not getting into the red in most of the sprints.

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But, it was interesting following my progress on the app.  I met my colleague in the lobby and we grabbed a “didi” (basically the same as an Uber) to drive us to Shanghai, which was about a 90 minute ride.

When we got to Shanghai, I went straight to a lunch time meeting with one of our teams there, then headed over to another office and had another set of meetings.  In the evening, I had a business dinner with a customer at an extremely good, very small Chinese restaurant.  Then it was back to the Kerry hotel.

Wednesday, June 26 – 3 x 20′ Endurance Session on the erg

I grabbed the good erg, and set myself up to do a nice gentle warmup.  I started with a pick drill, and then just gentle rowing.  I was alarmed by the early appearance of some orange.  I decided to experiment with a set of moderate power bursts.  I did 10, 20, 30, and 40 strokes The 40 strokes I did a noticeably lower power.  You can see the corresponding dips and recoveries in the SMO2%.  I finished very close to where I started, 72% vs 69%.  I’d have to say that this was not an entirely successful warmup.  I suspect that it would have recovered to a much higher umber, but not in the 2 minute rest that I had programmed.

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The rest of the session was pretty much terrible.  I had a lot of trouble staying in the green and ended up just alternating r18 and r20 at 160W and 180W.  Even with that light load, my SMO2% was low, and my HR was a bit high.  I was a bit grumpy so I sprinted out the last 2 minutes, taking my SMO2% way down to a 61%.

It’s interesting that the Humon color algorithm is a much more sensitive indicator than HR.  If my theory that I am not making good progress because I had been overcooking my steady state stuff, this will certainly put that theory to the test.

I went straight from my workout into some work calls, took a quick shower, and headed into the office for a couple of last meetings.

After lunch, I headed to the airport to fly to Taiwan, the last stop on my, way too long trip.  I arrived at my Hotel, the Sheraton in Hsinchu around 8, had some dinner, and then I was on the phone in conferences until about 11pm.

Thursday, June 27 – Inclined walk

I was up at 5:30 and in the fitness center before 6.  I headed to the treadmills and settled in for another boring slog.

The plan was the same as the last one, but I was going to try to take the warmup more slowly.  Again, I got up to a healthy walking speed and then boosted the inline, but only a degree or two every minute.  It was good to see my SMO2 climbing as I went.  After twenty minutes I was at the right incline and then stopped to grab a drink and towel off.  It was remarkably hot and humid.  My SMO2 climbed really well in that rest period.  From 63% at the start to over 72% after recovery.

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In the session itself, I found that I was pretty tired and the  time was going very slowly.  Kept popping over into orange, and I would slow down a tenth or drop the incline by a degree each time.  But you can see how many times that happened.  It was not my best work.

After my workout, I started my business day.  A couple of quick calls in my room.  It was a misty morning, and the mountains near Hsinchu looked like classic asian landscape art to me.

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To our office for prep meetings, then to a customer reception at lunch, then to another customer meeting, then back for another internal meeting, and finally a dinner meeting with a few of the managers.  Around 8 I headed to airport and got on a work teleconference.  This lasted my whole trip to the airport.  I checked in, got settled in the China Airlines lounge and got on another work call.  This lasted until it was almost time to board my 11:35 flight.  This flight took me from Taipei to San Francisco.  I arrived at 8pm, shuffled off to the Delta terminal and caught the 10:42pm red eye to Boston.  I am currently over Nebraska with another 2:37 to go.

Once I get to Logan Airport, I am going to drive straight to the Cape.  Hopefully arriving before 11 on Friday.

It’s been quite a trip.  I had a rowing experience I will never forget.  Visited places I have never been, and worked out every day that I was on the ground.  I’m pretty happy with that.



Oh my hands – May 5 to May 7

Well, really just my right hand.

Because of travel, there was a period of 8 days between 25 April and 4 May where I did no OTW rowing.  Over that period of times, my hands got all soft.  Then on Saturday, I hop into my Aero and go for a 18k row that takes about an hour and forty five minutes.  This was 1887 strokes, and there was enough chop that my hands and the handles were wet.  The chop also makes it impossible to maintain the light fingertip grip that we all aspire to.  By the time I was on the last leg back to the beach, my hands were really hurting.  Over the rest of the day they were a weepy blistered mess.

On Sunday, the weather sucked, so I wasn’t tempted to go back out on the water, but I did a hard 10K (with limited success, more to come  on that later) on slides.  My hands were perfectly OK with that.

On Monday, they were still pretty beat up, but I ignored that and did a nice technical session in the boat.  A lot of the drills put pressure on my blistery bits, and ripped open some blisters under old callouses.

I wasn’t sure if my hands were up for it, but the weather this morning was beautiful!, So, I went for it.  I had a great session, and I didn’t have any real grip issues to deal with, but boy, it stings.  Especially in the shower!

Enough complaining.  On to the training.

Sunday – May 5 – Hard 10K on slides.

Started with a 2k warmup.  Pick drill followed by a few bursts at possible paces for the 10k piece

Then the real thing.  I was a bit scarred from the 10k session that I bailed on last weekend, so I specifically tried to give myself permission to target a pace of 2:00.  Of course, as soon as I started and it felt easy, I immediately changed my mind and stuck on 1:57.  This lasted for about 6 or 7K and my HR was up at 177.  I couldn’t handle the idea of rowing the last 12 minutes “in the red”, so I tried to back off, and then a dropped a few strokes and slowly brought myself back to around a 2:00 target.  By the time I had 1000m to go, I was pissed at myself and I rowed it hard.

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So, what do we make of this?  First, it was probably an effective workout from a physiological point of view.  I had 27 minutes in the TR and AN HR zones.  But in terms of grit, this one was a fail.  Also from a discipline perspective, also a fail.  I should have rowed it conservatively and gotten a good marker for the next session.

Monday – 6 May – Drills on the 5s – 60′ session

As is usual, I spelt pretty poorly on Sunday night.  The weather was OK.  It was grey and there was a pretty steady wind from the north.  Temps were in the 50s.

I thought under the circumstances that a session focused on technique would be a good idea.  So, back to a favorite, drills on the 5s.  Row steady state for 4 minuutes then do a minute of a drill.  The drills were

  • half slide
  • slow roll ups
  • open hands on recovery
  • pause at body over
  • on the square

The drills were useful and the format of the workout makes time pass very quickly.  A lovely session.

Tuesday – 7 May – 4 x 2k on the water

Time to do some heavy lifting!  I was out late last night at a business dinner, but I managed to get my ass out of bed on time.  I was a bit worried about how well I’d do in the session.  I’m not sure if this was a cause or effect, but I felt a bit wrong in the intestinal department.

Anyway, the weather was awesome!  Bright and Sunny about 50F with a light wind from the SW.  So, I paddled out to the start of the 2k section, had a drink and went for it.  The training objectives for this session were:

  • Stroke rate: 25-27
  • Target pace 2:15 to 2:20
  • Focus on crisp releases.  Really tap down.
  • With increased fatigue focus on maintaining rate, lighting up pressure and maintaining good form, especially at the release

Gotta say, it was pretty magical!  I had a bit of tail wind behind me on the first interval, so the splits were nice and fast and the strokes felt light.  That really boosted my confidence.  I was extra careful to try to avoid chasing the same split on the upwind interval.  As it worked out I matched my avg power pretty well between upwind and downwind intervals.

Each interval got harder, but I always felt in control.  It was a really good session.  Good physiologically, and mentally to get it done per plan.

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Note: the pace shown here appears to be the GPS based pace, so the downstream intervals are unnaturally fast and the upstream ones are slow.  Calculating pace for them using the excel data yields 2:12.8, 2:17.9, 2:14.5, 2:19.9.

So, I was interested to see if this focus on clean releases has any effect.  So, I compared a 4x2k from the very beginning of the season to today.  My guess is that my aerobic fitness was a bit better and my form more ragged.  First comparison…

Power:  I was 4.5 watts higher power last time.   2.5% lower power today.

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T174855.325

Now boat speed:  Whoa!  1% faster today, on 2.5% lower power.

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T174838.721

So, what changed in my stroke.  Since I was working on finishes, let’s look at finish angle.  I was finishing about 4 degrees shorter today.

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T175035.690

Was that impacting effective length?

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Oh yeah.  I was more than 5 degrees shorter today.

I wonder what was going on with my peak force angle.  I was specifically trying to hold body position and row lightly today.  Would I see any difference with that?

Yep!  My peak force angle move more to stern and was more consistent.

bokeh_plot - 2019-05-07T174946.982

Here is a statistical summary for each workout.  The standard deviation for the peak force angle changed from 3.3 deg to 2.6 deg.

So, this certainly taught me a lesson.  The speedcoach is a tool, it doesn’t make sense to just focus singlemindedly on improving one parameter.  In my mind I had equated more length, with more power and therefore more speed.  Today’s results mean that I should have to be very careful to measure the change in boat speed with technique changes iin addition to just using the oarlock to provide data on the stroke mechanics.