A week of mostly vacation

Friday – June 28 – On the cape – No Training

I arrived at Logan at about 7:30AM.  I was in my car and on the way to the cape by 8:00AM.  The traffic leaving the city was pretty heavy, but by the time I was down to Weymouth, things were moving better.  I got to the house around 11, with donuts!

I had a couple of work calls and hung out.  I was massively tired and didn’t feel like working out.

Saturday – June 29 – 3 x 20′ / 2′ (Humon)

Down on the cape, in the basement.  Feeling tired from travel.

Humon kept me honest.

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I saw that I was dipping into the orange with r20, 180 stuff, so I kept away from any higher power segments.

We headed out late to go home on Saturday night.

Sunday – June 30 – No training

I was feeling lazy, but I managed to head outside and do a few hours of yard work.  After that, I wasn’t in the mood for any training.

Monday – July 1 – Steady State with a few higher rate bursts.

I’m not getting to do a lot of rowing in my single these days, so this session was a treat.  I decided to do an extensive warmup, all the way to the dam at Waltham center.  I did a Rojabo style warmup, with stroke sets of increasing intensity.

I’m thinking that a more intense warmup, even when doing an endurance session “opens up” the circulation in the muscles and raises the smO2.

This certainly seemed to be the case today.

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After the warmup, I rowed, focusing on technique.  If I dipped into orange, I would ease off the pressure and focus on really easing into the drive from the catch.  At the end of the trip back up the river, I saw a guy I knew, so I did a quick segment at higher rate to go say hello.  After a quick chat, I did another twenty strokes or so of harder rowing, and then after navigating a set of booms across the cove, I settled back into normal endurance rowing.  Something I am noticing is that I am tending to overload at the start of these intervals, notice the sliver of red.  I slowed down to fix that , and again focused on form.  The rest of the row was unremarkable, but I did another couple of quicker bits right at the end.

It was a really nice session and I managed to find a bit of boat speed in some of the harder bursts.

        Workout Summary - media/20190701-1335500o.csv
Workout Details
04|00227|00:59.6|02:11.2|190.2|25.1|151.3|162.0|09.1 - 1' at r24
05|00314|01:23.4|02:12.7|182.1|24.2|142.3|164.0|09.3 - 30 strokes @ r24
06|00162|00:36.8|01:53.9|289.7|34.2|150.0|165.0|07.7 - 20 strokes @ max
07|02932|14:25.9|02:27.7|125.3|18.3|144.3|152.0|11.1 - back upriver
08|00165|00:41.7|02:06.1|216.3|27.3|140.2|151.0|08.7 - 20 strokes @ r27
09|00134|00:36.2|02:15.0|194.3|24.9|126.7|140.0|08.9 - 20 strokes @ r25
10|00136|00:37.0|02:15.9|185.6|26.0|114.8|128.0|08.5 - 20 strokes @ r26
11|02583|12:57.1|02:30.4|129.0|19.3|139.6|156.0|10.3 - back down river
12|01508|07:29.2|02:29.0|118.0|18.5|135.8|141.0|10.9 - back upriver
13|01484|07:18.0|02:27.6|124.2|20.0|142.6|154.0|10.2 - part 2
14|00234|00:55.6|01:58.6|241.4|30.3|147.4|163.0|08.4 - cut to turn
15|00406|01:51.6|02:17.6|140.5|24.7|142.6|160.0|08.8 - across lagoon

Tuesday – July 2 – 12 x 3’/1′

I got up early, mainly because I couldn’t sleep.  It seems like trips to Asia mess me up for about a week.  We were going to be heading down to the cape later in the day, and I wanted to get a session in.  I also wanted to get back to some semblance of a training plan, so I decided to make this session a bit more intense.

I used to do this session as 15×3’/1′  Today, since I was pressed for time, I decided to take the first few intervals as warmup.

I wore the Humon, to see what these kind of intervals look like from an smO2 perspective.

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So, they look kinda cool!  You can see the quick trip into the red in each interval.  You can also see the recovery.  I was generally flipping from blue to green right when I was starting the next interval.  You can also see the effect of cumulative fatigue in the lower peak smO2 as I get deeper into the session.  I also slowed down.  I was really having issues.  I trust the power in the summary more than the pace.

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Workout Details

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I guess that’s why I need a training plan.

Wednesday – July 3 – 16km Coastal

A beautiful, sunny day.  Not a lot of wind.  A great day for a nice long row.  I launched from the beach by Loagy Bay, and headed out to the red buoy.  For a change, I decided to row down south a bit along the shore of Lt Island.  There are a couple of big rock that are visible almost until high tide, and I could see them clearly, so I rowed down to the big rock to the south of the island.  Then I doubled back and rowed on the inside of the other big rock back to the red buoy.  Then I set a course for the harbor, basically due north.   I threaded my way into the inner harbor and dodged a few power boats.  On the way back to the beach, I hugged the shore of Indian Head, mainly to avoid the wakes from the boats in the channel out of the harbor.

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It was a nice, low intensity session.  No Humon today, but I kept the HR below 150.  The pace varied all over the place because of tide (it was coming in) and breeze.

Thursday – 4 July – 4 x 10′ hard rate ladders

In the morning, I went for a low tide walk.  I love doing this.  I walked a little more than 3 km, and explored the sand flats going south from our house.

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I didn’t feel ready to take on full power long intervals, especially in coastal conditions.  It was another beautiful sunny day.  A bit more wind, and with the holiday, every power boat was on the water and throwing up wakes.  To make the session a bit more tolerable, I decided to make them rate ladders.

  • 4′ @ r24
  • 3′ @ r26
  • 2′ @ r28
  • 1′ @ r30

Why I do these intervals in the 1x, I usually aim between 26 and 28.  But I usually am doing a 4 x 2K which is a lot closer to 9 minutes.  I also have a lot less navigating to do and it’s a lot less choppy.

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I rowed out to the red buoy as my warmup.  I threw in a couple of hard 20s to get used to the idea.  Then I had a drink and got ready.  When I was within a minute of starting, I was swamped by a wake, so a quick flip of the autobailer was needed.  Then I was off and rowing.

I focused on keeping my stroke light and hitting the rate.  This was made challenging by the fact that I was doing the piece close to and parallel to the main channel.  Someboats were nice to me and either steered wide, or slowed down a bit to minimize the wake.  Others did neither of those things and I ended up with a cockpit full of water.   As I got to the r28 and r30 sections, the boat traffic became a bit thicker and the wakes were pretty constant.

The second interval, I decided to row away from the channel.  This was a good idea, but didn’t help entirely.  I made it through 3 minutes of the first 4′ section and was totally swamped by a huge wake.  I dropped a couple strokes and opened the bailer.  I rowed the rest of the piece with the bailer open, which slowed me down a bit and made the boat feel a bit heavier, but it was better than sliding the seat through water, since I was flooded all the way to cover the seat deck.

I rowed the rest continuing toward Loagy Bay, and turned the boat in time to start the third interval.  I did the usual bargaining with myself, that if I did a good job with this one, I’d stop the workout there.  It was a fine interval.  Less wakes, but I got swamped again near the end of the r26 section.  I flipped the bailer on again and finished it out.

I felt a bit better than I feared I would, so I decided to do the last interval.  I needed to get back to the beach anyway.  This one went right to plan.  No interruptions, no swampings, and no stops for the bailer.  I just didn;t have much power left in my legs.

Good workout.

Tough to get a lot of metrics on this one because of the wind, current and waves, but the HR shows pretty consistent effort.

Friday – 5 July – 3 x 20’/2′ on slides

Another walk in the morning.  This time going to the north side of the island.  This time, about 4km.

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Then in the afternoon, my wife and I kayaked around the island.  This was huge fun, we saw a bunch of cool birds.  We stopped at the bridge and I jumped off into the water.  This activity is a summer tradition, as illustrated on the webpage for our residents association.


after that, we paddled back along the south edge of the island, this was a bit of slog into the freshening breeze.  Fantastic.

Later in the afternoon, the wind had freshened some more, and I didn’t feel adventurous, so I went and did a 3×20 endurance session in the basement.

The first twenty minutes, I did in warmup format.  Again trying to maximize smO2.  I was pretty tired after the long walk and kayak adventure.  It was interesting watching it climb even through the second 20 minute piece.  Heart rate was quite low, but I felt taxed throughout.

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Saturday – 6 July – 10K threshold

Another beautiful morning, another walk on the sand flats.  I hit it right at low tide and it was a particularly low tide today, so I was able to walk all the way out to the big rock that I rowed around on Thursday.


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From out there, the island looks very small.

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I was able to walk around both of the rocks that I had rowed around on Thursday.

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I lazed around for most of the day, and finally got up the oomph to go erg in the late afternoon.  I definitely was not feeling too sharp, and I had a limited time window.  I dove into a hard 10K without any real warmup and boy did I struggle at the start.  I was having trouble getting into any rhythm and my breathing was all messed up.  I stopped a couple times in the first 500m, and then rowed well below target power through 1000m.  Then I tried to ramp up the power to target and bailed out again.  I sat there for a few seconds and then I just started paddling.

My smO2 started rising.  And I started to feel a lot better.  I started pulling 200W and it was OK.  Then as I went along, I pushed a little harder, and then a bit more.  When I first targeted 200W, my projected finish was around 40:30.  Then I pulled it down to 40:20.  With 3000m to go, I pushed a bit more and saw a projected finish hovering around 40:00.  With 1000m to go, I rated up and pushed the power up to around 230W which enabled me to finish in about 39:50.

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Workout Details

The smO2 shows the struggle with lack of a warmup.  Once I was past the 10  minute mark and my muscles were actually working well, things were pretty good.

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Good lesson to learn about how a warmup affects things.

Today is our last day down on the cape.  Hopefully I will get to do another coastal row.  Then tomorrow I have an early flight out to San Francisco for a big conference.





12/24 – 12/26 – More online racing.

Monday – 12/24 : 10K online race

One of the contributors to rowsandall organized a Christmas 10k.  I was a little bummed out because my only option for rowing it was the dynamic, and I knew that I would be a fair amount slower on the dynamic than on the static erg. But, I like the idea of doing the same session as other folks, and I don’t even mind getting beaten (especially when I have an excuse!)

So, I set the conservative target of “faster than 2:00”.  I did a 2K warmup to get loose.  Starting again with a pick drill.

Then the 10K.  I had haunting memories of the 30r22, so I was in no mood to push it too hard.  Even with that, I couldn’t have gone a lot faster.  My heart rate was up near 180 at the end.

        Workout Summary - media/20181225-0821580o.csv
Workout Details

That was good enough to earn me a last place!

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But in terms of misery, it looks like I was in second place!

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Tuesday – 25 December : 3 x 20′ / 2′ dynamic

Christmas day.  Just putting up some meters.  HR limited.

        Workout Summary - media/20181225-2221030o.csv
Workout Details

Wednesday – 26 December – 3 x 20’/2′ dynamic

I probably should have done a interval workout today, but I wasn’t in the mood.  So I just did another endurance session.

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Workout Details

Tomorrow:  Interval session  – 8 x 2’/2′

Saturday: 10K Threshold on slides

Down on the cape.

I had two things on my list of things to to today.  The first was to play around some more with the Quiske pod on the erg.  I needed to redo an example I am used in a blog post over on the rowsandall analytics site.  I had the pod mounted backwards and the plots were inverted, so I wanted to update it with the right data.

That ended up being about 18 minutes of reasonably hard rowing, but it was in short intervals of 1 to 5 minutes.  I ended up sweaty but not tired.

After that, I got myself settled to do my hard distance workout for the week.  10K on slides.  It’s always a mystery to me how to pace stuff on slides.  I am not as fast on slides as on static, but a bit faster than on the dynamic.  I decided to try to 1:58.  It worked out fine.  It was hard, but I was able to hold the pace throughout.

        Workout Summary - media/20181215-2135330o.csv
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Pretty consistent pacing through the middle section.  I struggled a bit with 2000m to go, but rated up a little in the last 1000 and I was fine.

Tomorrow:  The plan calls for a long interval session.  I will try to do a 3k/2.5k/2k waterfall before we head home.  I might substitute a endurance session if I am feeling tired from today’s session.


Saturday: 10K hard on the dynamic

The plan calls for a hard distance piece on Saturday, so thats what I did.  Even though I wasn’t relishing the idea of doing it on the dynamic, I figured if I just aimed at 2:00 splits, I’d be fine.

It was hard!

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Workout Details

Well, a bit better than the last one.

Here is a comparison of 4 10ks on the dynamic.  I’ve dialed in my best pace and was able to hold it at slightly higher heart rates today.

Tomorrow: rowing on Quinsig.  Free form Sunday….


Just deal with it

So, last report was back on Sept 11th when I had a lovely row at Crossfit Del Mar in San Diego.

Wed, Sept 12 – No training:

Early start to fly up to San Jose.  Meetings all day, business dinner.  No time to train

Thursday, Sept 13 – No Training:

Up early to catch my flight home

Friday, Sept 14 – 20 x 2′ OTW 1x:

In Newton, in my fluid.  Very light tailwind going down river.  I was able to fit in 5 intervals over the rowable part of the river (just barely).

I pushed the first set a bit too hard and struggled the rest of the workout, but it was pretty good fun.

          Workout Summary - media/20180914-1500310o.csv
Workout Details
01|00107|00:30.2|02:21.1|135.4|19.9|127.1|131.0|10.7 - wu
06|00242|01:00.4|02:04.9|208.0|28.8|157.0|166.0|08.3 - cut short

Saturday, Sept 15: Failed 10K Dynamic:

I was a it worried about back to back hard workouts, but since I was flying out Sunday morning to Asia, I felt like I had no other option.  I was also stuck with doing it on the dynamic erg.  But, I figured if I just picked an easy target, I’d be OK.  I was wrong.

I started with a 2k warmup.  I included some arms and body only and some legs only to see what they felt like on the dynamic.  They felt vaguely boat like.

Then into the main event.  I made it to 6K and when the going got tough, I gave up.  I think it was lack of motivation, but I felt pretty lousy at the time.  When I hit 6K, I knew that I had another 16 minutes to go and I didn’t feel like I would be able to deal with the discomfort for that much longer.  I tried to get back on track, gave up again, then paddled along at a slower pace until there was 1k to go and then I pulled it back to target.  It was ugly.

Workout Details
06|01000|04:14.5|02:07.2|171.5|25.3|167.9|171.0|09.3 - hd
07|01000|04:17.3|02:08.7|165.5|24.2|167.6|172.0|09.6 - hd
08|01000|04:11.6|02:05.8|175.5|24.4|174.5|176.0|09.8 - paddle
09|01000|03:58.5|01:59.2|207.3|29.2|179.7|184.0|08.6 - rate up

That left me pretty much destroyed.

Sunday, September 16: No Training

Monday, September 17: No Training

I took off at 10:30AM to fly to Cebu in the Philippines.  The route was BOS–>YYZ–>ICN–>CEB.  Total travel time door to door was 26 hours.  I got to my hotel at 12:15am Tuesday morning local time.  So effectively, Monday just didn’t exist.  I managed to get about 2 hours of sleep on the long leg to ICN, and another 5 hours on the flight to CEB.

Tuesday, September 18th: ~50′ in the fitness center.

I managed to get another 3 hours of sleep at my hotel (after a couple of conference calls) and then got up at 5:30.  I was at the fitness center when it opened at 6 am.  I felt a bit ragged from the travel, so I didn’t want to do anything too ambitious.

I started with 20 minutes inclined march on the treadmill.  The time crawled by painfully slowly.  Then I bopped over to the elliptical.  I intended to program a 20 minute workout, but somehow ended up with 28 minutes.  That actually turned out to be a good thing because it gave me enough time to call home, shower and grab a quick bite to eat before I headed to our facility.


The place I’m staying is very nice.  Cebu is quite the vacation destination for Koreans these days.

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Wednesday, September 19:  It’s a mystery!

I flew out of Cebu at 9 this morning and now I am sitting in the airport in Osaka.  I get to Haneda around 7pm tonight and I might try to work out when I get to my hotel, or I might blow that off and get a beer.



10K Threshold

The original plan was to do another 30′ piece, but I was looking to change up the workout a little bit.  I wanted to challenge myself a bit more and frankly I like distance based pieces than time based ones.


  • 10K
  • Rate: 25-26
  • Pace: 1:56 (my 30 minutes was at 1:56.2)
  • Technique:  Keep your damn knees together
  • HR Limit: None

I did 10 minutes on the treadmill to warmup (15% grade, 3.1mph).

These rows are pretty brutal.  Just like the 30′ piece that I did last weekend, I started out trying to hold 1:55.  I lasted a bit longer today.  Out to around 5K versus 3K for the other piece.  I had a very brief crisis around the 7000 meter point.  I essentially pulled up for two strokes, and then thought better of it and took a minute or so at 2:00 pace.  Then pushed the pace slowly back toward target.  It was a pretty good save.

I did a slow 1K on the erg for a cool down.


        Workout Summary - media/20170929-1236080o.csv
Workout Details

Here is the whole workout from the polar OH1 sensor


I was curious about how this session compared to my 30′ piece.  So, I used the nady multicompare features in rowsandall to look.

  • Pace and power, you can see how I started both pieces at about the same pace, and then faded in the 30′ around 2500m.  Then you can see the crisis around 6300m in today’s piece.
  • I did a better job at keeping the stroke rate up today.
  • better HR response today.

Tomorrow:  I’ve got my new rigger for my boat.  I will mount it tonight and hopefully do a nice long and easy technical session tomorrow on Quinsig.


L3 – 10K

Restarting on the WP has certainly been a humbling experience.  I did my best 10K ever in 2014.  It was a 36:33, which is a 1:49.7 pace.

Now today was not intended to be a time trial, but still, it is a little daunting how much work it will take to get back to that level of fitness.

I was pressed for time, so I skipped the warmup.

I set my target pace for this session at 1:57.  But I could tell by the time I got to 3000m that I wasn’t going to be able to hold it.  My legs and lungs were both complaining and I found myself playing with stroke rate to futilely try to find a groove.  I told myself that if I could stick it out to 5K, then it would be OK to slow down to a 2:00 pace.

This took off enough pressure that I could get through the piece, but even at a 2:00 pace, my HR plateaued and then started rising again.  It was a struggle, counting strokes all the way to the end.  It was 460 strokes by the way.

I skipped the cool down too.

But the session got done, and now I have a marker for next time.  That’s the magic of the WP.  There is no mystery about your goals for the next work.  Just try to do a little better than how you did today.  I need that simplicity right now.



So, I finished with a 1:57.9 average pace.  I guess I try for 1:57 again next time.

Tomorrow:  60′ L4 before I take off for Tokyo.

El “Dy”ablo – 10K hard

Monday night:  Flew out to San Jose.  Arrived around 11.  Asleep around 1am

Tuesday:  Rest Day.  Meetings all day.  Caught the red eye home from San Jose.

Wednesday:  Arrived at the airport around 5:15am.  My original plan was to stop in Newton, do a session on the water, and then continue on to work.  But, I felt pretty beat up from the flight and I decided to go home and get some sleep instead.  I was in bed by 6:30 and I slept until 10.  I had breakfast, did some email, and decided I had time for a quick erg session.

I have a race this Saturday.  It’s open water, and 8K long.  I’m just getting used to the Aero, and I’m not sure what kind of pace I can hold over 8km.  Two weeks ago, in my first row, my “tide adjusted” pace was around 2:55/500.  That was basically at a marathon pace, so I think 2:45 might work.  8km at 2:45 would take 44 minutes.  So, basically, it’s not that different than a hard 10K on the erg.

So, I haven’t really done any hard distance work, so it seemed like a good idea to do a “dry run” to remind myself that its possible to row above 165bpm for a long time, even though it isn’t very pleasant.

I was at home, and I was using the dynamic.  So I had no idea what pace would work.  I decided to be conservative and take off at a 2:00 pace, and then speed up once I got calibrated.  Based on the 4×15 type sessions I’m doing I figure I am good for 1:55 pace over 10K on a static erg right now.

But on the dynamic, it was impossible for me to hold a 2:00 pace beyond 5km.  By that point, my HR was already up around 175 (93% HRR) and I was really struggling.  I upped the rate and eased the pace to try to get back in firmer control of the row, just the way i would if I went out too fast in a race.  I really didn’t want to give myself permission to give up.  That is not the way to prep for a race.

So, I struggled my way through the back half of the session and managed the tiniest of sprints at the very end.  I spent 6 minutes above my anaerobic threshold.  It hurt.  It hurt more that I was only rowing at a 2:00 pace.

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So, I am trying to figure out just how much harder it is for me to row the dynamic.  On clue could come from the session that I did on Monday.  That was a 4×15′ where the first 6′ was at 250W (roughly a 1:50 pace).  I compared my HR response over the first 6 minutes of that row and the first 6 minutes of this row.bokeh_plot (61)

They are very close to superimposed.  So, my guess is that I am 40W “better” on the static than the dynamic, that’s 23% different.  For comparison, between  the static erg and my fluid, the difference is closer to 11%.

So, I still hate that devil machine.  (El Dy-ablo)


M2 3 x 20′ / 2′ MP, 10KP, HMP 90.0% (167)

On the water.  I’ll do each interval to the proper distance and do quick turns when required.

target power:

  • MP: 158-171  (Stroke rate 20)
  • 10KP: 184-197 (stroke rate 24)
  • HMP: 171-184 (stroke rate 22)

10K – ticking over

I spent the morning working on the house down on the cape and then we drove home in the afternoon, arriving home just after 5pm.  I had a work call at 7pm, so I squeezed in a quick 10K workout.

I started at about 180-185W and then bled off speed to keep myself at or below a HR cap of 157.



Workout Summary - media/20170418-2300220o.csv
Workout Details

Friday: 10K @ MP

I didn’t have much time this morning, so I did what I could.

Plan called for 2 x 45′ at marathon pace.  I only had about 40 minutes because I had an early meeting I needed to get to, so I subbed in a 10k at the same pace.

These workouts are supposed to be done with a HR cap, and today was no exception.  I decided  to row against a cap of 150 (80% of HR max).  Since I’ve had such great sessions the past couple of days, I decided to start off at 185W and see how long I could hold it before I needed to back off to stay under the cap.  Turns out I made it  the whole way.  It was another good workout.  If I was doing another 45 minutes, I would have had to back off, but still.  It was better than the HR response I was seeing at 170W just a week ago.


A few stroke metrics, just for fun.

Pretty consistent.

I’m posting this from the BA lounge at Logan airport.  I board for Narita, connecting to Korea in about 45 minutes.

Maybe the Sheraton in Seoul has an erg.  (But I doubt it).