Monday: 3 x 20′ / 1′ rest L4

Sunday:  Feeling very worn down.  Did some painting.  No Training

Monday:  Decided to skip OTW this morning.  Winds were 20 to 25 mph which would have made it not very productive.  New plan was 3×20′ L4 on slides.

I felt pretty crappy.  My HR just kept creeping up and it was harder and harder to hold the target wattage.  I dialed back the stroke counts after the first 30 minutes a bit and it helped a little.

By the way, graphs were generated on line using a new tool developed by Sander.  It’s in beta test and active development right now, but has the potential to be a true cross platform to log and analyze rowing data.

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I’m in a bit of a rut right now.  I am really enjoying the time I’m spending on the water, and thanks to club boats and my friend Alex’s Pienert, can get on the water just about whenever I have time.  But doing sessions on the erg is a pain in the ass, and I am not sure exactly what I am training for.

Tomorrow:  OTW, something spicy, maybe 8 x 500.

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