20′ + 30′ steady state

Pressed for time this morning.  So, I could only fit in a 20 minute lactate test and 30 minutes more.

Off slides today, at home.  It felt like a tough slog.  Again, i had trouble toning the power down to 185W.

186.7W, AvgHR 145.1, r17.8, Lactate: 1.9

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The next 30 minutes, I was far more disciplined about sticking to 185W.

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If my afternoon works out OK, I am going to try to sneak out for a row!  Tomorrow, is spring cleanup day at the boathouse and a first row on Quinsig.  Apparently, there is about 1.5km of rowable water accessible from our dock, even though there is still about 5km of ice at both ends of the lake